mac iconv

I am trying to compile GCC 4.5.1 in Mac OS X Lion. I have a problem with libiconv. First it complained about undefined symbols for architecture x86_64, which were: _iconv, _iconv_open and _iconv_close. I found out that MacPorts version of libiconv rename

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  • This library provides an iconv() implementation, for use on systems which don't have o...
    libiconv - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
  • 因為常常會收到簡體中文的文件檔,但 Mac 預設沒有辦法開啟 GBK 的編碼文件,好在 Mac 好用的地方就是在於他是 Unix 系統內建了許多好用的工具 Mac 內就有 icon...
    Mac 用 iconv 轉換編碼 GBK big5 UTF-8 | Mr. 沙先生
  • I am trying to compile GCC 4.5.1 in Mac OS X Lion. I have a problem with libiconv. First i...
    gcc - libiconv and MacOS - Stack Overflow
  • Some files, like Moodle import and export files and custom language packs or language file...
    Converting files to UTF-8 - MoodleDocs
  • If and how //TRANSLIT works exactly depends on the system's iconv() implementation (cf...
    PHP: iconv - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
  • The iconv program converts the encoding of characters in inputfile from one coded characte...
    iconv Man Page - macOS - - SS64 | Command line ...
  • You don't show the exact commands you're trying to use, so we'll be shooting i...
    ruby - Why does installing Nokogiri on Mac OS fail with ...
  • Mac OS X下编译安装php时libiconv 库出现错误的解决办法 Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_ico...
    Mac OS X下编译安装php时libiconv库出现错误的解决办法 - 乌秋博 ...
  • 本篇介紹如何在 Mac OS X 或 Linux 中使用 iconv 指令轉換 Big5 與 UTF8 等文字編碼,解決開啟文字檔產生亂碼的問題。 有時候使用一般的編輯器開啟文字檔...
    iconv 指令轉換文字檔編碼(Big5 轉 UTF8、UTF8 轉 Big5 ) - G. ...
  • Mac OS X comes with iconv utility that can convert text between encodings. Run the followi...
    Mac OS 使用iconv 将gb18030编码文本转换为utf-8格式文本 - CSDN ...
  • This library provides an iconv() implementation, for use on systems which don't have o...
    libiconv - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
  • 因為常常會收到簡體中文的文件檔,但 Mac 預設沒有辦法開啟 GBK 的編碼文件,好在 Mac 好用的地方就是在於他是 Unix 系統內建了許多好用的工具 Mac 內就有 icon...
    Mac 用 iconv 轉換編碼 GBK big5 UTF-8 | Mr. 沙先生